What Is Blur NFT Marketplace? The Analysis of Top 1 NFT Marketplace After 3 Months of Release

What Is Blur NFT Marketplace? The Analysis of Top 1 NFT Marketplace After 3 Months of Release

Invested $14 million and within 3 months of its launch, Blur NFT Marketplace has shown its appeal as it has quickly risen to the #1 NFT Marketplace and NFT Aggregator by daily trading volume.

On Feb 14, the platform's $BLUR token will be listed on major centralized exchanges, creating great interest from the community. So does Blur really have potential? Let's find out with Holdstation through the following analysis.

What is Blur?

Blur is a combination of NFT Aggregator and NFT Marketplace (Aggregate NFT Exchange) designed to optimize the NFT Trading experience as well as provide the necessary tools for professional NFT traders in the ecosystem. Ethereum - this is a big difference compared to most current NFT exchanges such as OpenSea, Gem, X2Y2,...which focus more on retail and collectables.

The Blur interface integrates not only basic data parameters such as last sale price, time, but also clearly displays the rarity of each NFT, ongoing transactions, liquidity depth, current gas fees, etc.

Some features:

  • Sweep - Buy multiple NFTs at floor prices at the same time to maximize profits. Besides, Blur will quickly remove suspicious or slow-loading NFTs. One key point to note is that gas fees in the case of one-time NFT bulk purchases on Blur will cost more gas than in other NFT Marketplaces. For example, the gas fee on Element to buy 1 or more NFTs/transaction will be the same. However, this feature is intended to ensure the highest success rate when buying multiple NFTs as well as increasing transaction speed.
  • Listing options - trait floor price listing, floor price listing and ladder listing

As an NFT Aggregator, Blur aggregates NFT listing information across various NFT Marketplaces. Traders can interact and trade many NFTs from OpenSea, LooksRare,... on the Blur platform. Blur's competitor in this segment is Gem. But Blur surpassed Gem and became NFT Aggregator #1 after 3 days of launch.

Royalty and transaction fee model

Royalties are still a controversial topic in the NFT community between the rights of creators and increasing liquidity for the NFT market. The current trend of NFT marketplaces is to gradually reduce the Royalty Fee to 0 and allow investors to have customization rights such as SudoSwap, Looksrare; while OpenSea or X2Y2 requires a royalty fee to be mandatory.

Blur focuses on professional traders, so in order to be flexible, the platform chooses to allow custom royalty fees.

Regarding transaction fees, Blur does not collect any amount from users such as OpenSea 2.5%, X2Y2 0.5%, etc. Thus, along with 0% royalty fee, traders can enjoy 100% of revenue when trading on Blur.

However, this model is only suitable in the beginning to attract users. Currently, Blur has not announced (or designed) a revenue model for the platform itself, it is growing based on investment so it will not be sustainable in the long term.

On-chain data

Initially, Blur launched 3 airdrop campaigns to push the number of platform users and created an effective FOMO effect. In just a short time, Blur has attracted enthusiastic participation from the community with the number of daily users ranking 2nd, equal to about 1/4 of OpenSea.

However, the daily trading volume has surpassed OpeaSea and become the top 1 for the past 3 months. This can be explained that the high trading volume mainly comes from the group of investors doing Wash Trading - users who sell and then buy for themselves to push the trading volume to increase opportunities for Airdrop. Although the team announced that they will be filtering Wash Traders from the airdrop list, it is not possible to guarantee or evaluate Blur's actual trading volume at this time.


For now, details have not been made public. Most likely $BLUR acts as a governance token. With the current non-profit model and the unknown incentive for $BLUR Holder, the demand for $BLUR will not be much.

On February 14, 2023 (13PM EST), $BLUR will officially be listed publicly on a number of centralized exchanges such as Bitget, Houbi, Coinbase, Gate, Kucoin. At the same time, eligible users in 3 campaigns can receive the $BLUR airdrop token, so there is likely to be a large supply from this group.

Team and investors

In 2022, Blur successfully raised more than $14 million from leading figures or organizations in the NFT sector such as Paradigm, 6529, Cozomo Medici, dhof, Bharat Krymo, Zeneca, OSF, MoonOverlord, icebergy, Deeze, Andy8052 , Keyboard Monkey. Blur is positively evaluated by the professional NFT community.

The team brings together experienced members from MIT, Citadel, Five Rings Capital, Twitch, Brex, Square, and Y Combinator.


As such, Blur has built well in terms of the most suitable product for the professional group of NFT traders. Blur needs an operating model to generate revenue and the need to use or buy the token so that the long-term potential would be huge.

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The information, statements and conjecture contained in this article, including opinions expressed, are based on information sources that Holdstation believes those are reliable. The opinions expressed in this article are personal opinions expressed after careful consideration and based on the best information we have at the writing's time. This article is not and should not be explained as an offer or solicitation to buy/sell any tokens/NFTs.
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