Rage Trade - Airdrop Opportunity From DeFi 3.0 In Arbitrum

Rage Trade - Airdrop Opportunity From DeFi 3.0 In Arbitrum

Recently, Arbitrum attracted the community with its vast growing ecosystem as well as many projects have come and been built in Arbitrum main-net. Also, the user interacts with Arbitrum in order to have a chance for airdrop because Arbitrum's token, which is $ARB has not yet launched and will have the tokenomics in Q4, 2022.

The enormous project in the Arbitrum ecosystem is Rage Trade, also not launched token yet. However, that perpetual platform may airdrop the user using Rage Trade's features which is their token.

What Is DeFi 3.0?

DeFi 3.0 aims to integrate yield farming technologies from several crypto chains and traditional asset classes in one convenient location. DeFi 3.0 provides several ways to earn a high-interest income. According to Crypto.com, prominent DeFi solutions like Curve and SushiSwap make 2-15% on BTC, ETH, stablecoins, and other cryptocurrencies. DeFi 3.0 is often referred to as farming-as-a-service (FaaS). DeFi 3.0 worth lies in assisting consumers in maximizing their crypto revenues over many chains, i.e., yield farms. As a new layer constructed on top of the existing DeFi sector, it gives consumers greater control, ease, and flexibility regarding yield farming.

What Is Rage Trade?

Rage Trade is building the most liquid, composable, and only omni-chain ETH perp powered by UNI v3. Rage Trade core features include ETH perp with 10x leverage, omni-chain recycled liquidity, and yield-generating 80-20 vaults.

The main page of Rage Trade

What Is Omni-chain Recycled Liquidity?

Recycled liquidity allows Rage to re-use ETH+USD liquidity across chains and protocols to LP into ETH perp.

For example: If you LP in AMMs (Curve, Balancer, Sushi), Money Markets (Aave, Rari, Euler), Derivatives (GMX, Ribbon). Then you can recycle your LP shares into Rage using  80-20 Vaults. That allows users to earn an extra yield on their LP shares and enables Rage to unify liquidity into an omni-chain ETH perp.

Omni-chain of Rage Trade

What Are 80-20 Vaults?

Each 80-20 vault accepts a different LP position as collateral (for example, Curve Tri-Crypto). The vault recycles these LP shares to provide liquidity in Rage's ETH perp. The goal of the 80-20 vault is to earn an additional yield on your LP position while replicating the payoff of an ETH-USD LP in Uniswap v2. To attract all possible ETH+USD yield-generating assets, LPs will be able to recycle liquidity from all Layer Zero compatible chains.

Total Value Locked of Rage Trade

According to DeFiLlama, Rage Trade ranked #32 in total value locked (TVL) of the Arbitrum ecosystem with more than $2 million. The TVL of Rage Trade grows more than 30% weekly, along with other projects in the Arbitrum ecosystem.

Total Value Locked of Rage Trade

Airdrop Opportunity

How to Provide Omni-chain Liquidity?

Users can create omni-chain liquidity using Rage Trade's 80-20 vault and interact with Layer Zero compatible chains. From there can get the chance to airdrop from Layer Zero. Regenerate liquidity through these simple steps:

Step 1: Access the Vault section of Rage Trade

Step 2: Choose 80-20 tricrypto, approve and deposit USDC into the pool with APY of more than 16%

How To Long / Short ETH In Rage Trade?

Rage Trade only supports derivatives in ETH/USDC pair. Therefore, users need to transfer 20 USDC from CEX, such as Binance, Bybit, and FTX, through the Arbitrum network with a very cheap fee to the wallet. Follow these steps to trade in Rage Trade:

Step 1: Access Trade section in Rage Trade and connect the wallet

Step 2: Deposit at least 20 USDC to Rage Trade

Step 3: Enter the amount of USDC want lo Long / Short (max 5x leverage), slippage, etc, and click swap after checking all information

Step 4: When the position is open, the position will show as the image below

Caution: The price of open the position is quite an escalation, so the user should long/short with a small volume.

Claim Rage Trade Roles

Users can claim Rage Trade roles on Discord to increase their chances of receiving airdrops by following these simple steps:

Step 1: Access Rage Trade Guild and connect your wallet

Step 2: Follow Rage Trade's Twitter

Step 3: Get NFT Blueberry Club by buying on OpenSea or Tofu for about 0.4 ETH (over $600)

Step 4: Own NFT Diamond Pepes by buying on Tofu for about 0.5 ETH (nearly $800)

Diamond Pepes collection on Tofu

After completing the steps, users can claim the respective roles. However, the two NFTs are expensive, so users may consider skipping these roles depending on budget conditions.


To sum up, Rage Trade has many great features to gain profit through omni-chain liquidity. However, the perpetual swap feature is not a great platform to trade cause of escalation. The project needs to fix that to gain more users with other great features. After interacting in the above three ways in Rage Trade, the community can have a chance to receive airdrops from Rage Trade, Arbitrum and Layer Zero.

The information, statements and conjecture contained in this article, including opinions expressed, are based on information sources that Holdstation believes those are reliable. The opinions expressed in this article are personal opinions expressed after careful consideration and based on the best information we have at the writing's time. This article is not and should not be explained as an offer or solicitation to buy/sell any tokens/NFTs.
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