Aptos Wallet - Potential Wallets On Aptos

Aptos Wallet - Potential Wallets On Aptos

Aptos is considered a bright rookie layer 1 with a large number of dApps as well as projects built on this ecosystem. However, it is impossible not to mention the Wallets that are being built on these with great potential for development in the future. Let's find out with Holdstation about potential Wallets on Aptos that will develop in the future when the mainnet is released.

Blocto - Making blockchain simpler and more accessible to everyone.

Blocto is built using smart contracts backed by Ethereum, BSC, Polygon, Avax, Solana, and Flow. This gives the Blocto wallet a lot of advantages over a regular wallet.


Blocto has a Chrome extension and an app on Android and IOS phones with up to 1.2 million downloads with outstanding services:

  • BloctoSwap: First DEX on Flow, supporting more products from Flow.
  • BloctoBay: Direct connection to Flow's NFT exchange
  • Blocto Staking: Stake $FLOW/$BLT/$APT with a good interest rate in the future.
  • Blocto Launchpad: The first IDO launch platform on FLOW.

Special mechanism

Bulk trading:

With Blocto users can combine multiple transactions into one easy transaction to save gas fee and faster.

Connecting dApps:
Users can easily connect dApps, NFT assets, regardless of which blockchain the dApps or NFTs are built on.


BLT is Blocto's governance/utility token, serving and associated in Blocto's ecosystem.

Advisors & Backer

Blocto is mentored by many prestigious faces such as famous shark Mark Cuban, CEO Dapper Labs and Animoca Brands fund. Besides, there are a large number of backers led by Animoca Brands, Alamenda Research.

Blocto Potential Assessment:

With a large number of members in the Twitter community among Wallet projects on the Aptos ecosystem (162.7K people) there is a community growth of 40%/month, a strong backer, and an easy-to-use friendly application. Investors can look forward to Aptos mainnet launch and Blocto BLT token investment opportunity. Especially the ability to fly high when supported by Flow and mentored by many big men.

Martian - Most Trusted Wallet on Aptos

Martian is a cryptocurrency wallet that can be used to manage digital assets and access decentralized applications on Aptos, always one of the top choices of users on Aptos when "Connect Wallet ".


Martian is currently available as a Chrome extension and will soon have an iOS app.

Martian does not have a governance or utility Token yet, but it will likely follow the trend and release the token when the mainnet is accepted and accepted by the community.

What's special about Martian

  • As the Wallet in the top choice of users on the Aptos ecosystem when Connecting the wallet thanks to its easy-to-use interface and ability to support the largest amount of dApps on Aptos.
  • Martian is the Aptos pure wallet with the largest download volume on Aptos.
  • Martian is considered as a gateway to start bringing users to visit the Aptos ecosystem thanks to the feature of adding dApps such as Bluemove, Hippo, Aptos Name Service ...
  • Backed by AptosLabs.

Potential assessment of Martian

Friendly interface with the ability to customize and link many dApps in the Aptos ecosystem with over 140k app downloads. Martian has been accepted by users, can also be said to be the first step to evaluate the development of Martian, and is backed by Aptos Labs, which also creates prestige for users.

Petra Wallet - Explore Aptos with Petra

Compared to other pure Aptos wallets like Martian or Fewcha, Petra Wallet seems to be of less interest to the community. However, after the NFT Aptos:Zero mint event, the official NFT from Aptos Labs, Petra was noticed by many people as the recommended wallet for the event.

Petra already has a Chrome extension, although it's a new wallet, it has already reached 50k downloads on Chrome.

Also backed and backed by Aptos Labs itself, Petra has a lot of potential for future growth. But there is not much information about Petra yet, so we still need to wait for Petra's next steps in the future.

Fewcha Wallet - Open the Web3 universe on Aptos

Fewcha Wallet is a project built by AppsCyclone (Software Company in Vietnam).

Similar to Martian, Fewcha is one of the outstanding wallets of the Aptos system because even though it is newly built, it has had a number of uses on Chrome up to 20 thousand times.

Fewcha Wallet has a devnet version on Chrome for users to test.

However, from a personal point of view, Fewcha has a few minus points because it is a Vietnamese project and dev team, so there will be certain limitations when creating trust for the community.


Each wallet has a unique feature with its own advantages, but all are user-oriented and built with an easy-to-use friendly interface.

Aptos is a new Layer 1 platform that is still in development, however Aptos has great potential for future success. Therefore, it is predicted that dApps and projects in general as well as Wallet projects built on Aptos in particular have the potential to develop in the future when Aptos launches mainnet.

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